

To be

Grateful for:

A good, brisk, walk;

Low humidity;

Rain brightens shades of green;

Friends who still send me snail mail;

A sweet note of thanks from Gracie;

Voluptuous blue hydrangeas,

In a vase on the coffee table;

Today, I spied a scarlet tanager!

9 thoughts on “Grateful

  1. Favorite line – Voluptuous blue hydrangeas That is the perfect adjective to describe this favortie flower of mine. your wiriting also moved me to research the bird you spied. So pretty! Your slice reminds me to keep looking and learning. There is so much beauty and so much to know more about Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So cheerful – amazing how blue hydrangeas lift the spirit! Why is that? And am I ever grateful for a day with low humidity – a GIFT here in NC, for sure. As are your words. Reminders that the simple things in life really are the best.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Humidity is back with a vengeance today (and yesterday and the day before). Hard to be outdoors, but happy with the lush growth in my garden.

      Liked by 1 person

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